Tuesday 17 September 2013

Exploring Career Options for IT freshers

These days I get a chance to meet and talk to a lot of fresh graduates in Bangalore. They are generally 2013 and sometimes 2012 graduates.

I find that most of them are looking for a job in "Java" or "Testing". A smaller set of people mention Microsoft technologies and even smaller set of people say that they want to work on "SAP" and some new technologies in the field of mobile and "Big Data". None of them have heard about "Infrastructure Management" that has been a fast growing business for several IT services companies.

When I explore to find out what they understand about the kind of work profile in any of these technologies it is quite sad to know that they have little to no clue about what people in these profiles will do, what will be their career path etc.

Hence it will be useful if through a series of blog posts we provide some information about each of these career openings in the field of IT. I refrain from using the term "career path" because for the fresh graduates of this year, the career path will most probably be radically different from what most people in the industry have had and probably we cannot estimate correctly what that might turn out to be.

Over the next posts we will aim to take up some of these areas in the IT domain and try to explain to the fresh graduates what they entail.

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